ROBOTA (44°34'39.5"N 72°14'45.2"W)
single-channel video / experimental / 6 minutes
In a post-human world, a cyborgian entity materializes and experiences a pond for the first time.
The performance stems from an ecofeminist perspective and references the origin of the word “robota” (derived from “drudgery” and “forced labor”) as well as “robot” (from Karel Čapek’s Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti, Rossum's Universal Robots).
Robota’s cyborgian entity continues its habitual tasks but senses possible liberation in the multisensory, multispecies world in and around the pond.
ROBOTA (44°34'39.5"N 72°14'45.2"W) single-channel video
a WAKAME MEDIA production
Maria Maciak Performer / Director
Dan Roe Cinematography
Maria Maciak Editor / Sound Designer
Zorro aka Baby Baba Dog Person
Bear Person Courtesy of Lirofilm
special thanks to Priscilla Heine and Cristobal Majcherski
©2022 wakame vr